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Give Marginalis​ed Areas Sensible Dates

February 17, 2011

I refer to the Press advertisement today from the Deputy Prime Minister and Local Government Minister on County Consultations and inviting people in the counties to submit their views on complex issues to the Task Force on Devolved Government. The exercise is set to start on 21 February, 2011 in Taita Taveta and end in Nairobi on 21 March.

As always, these task forces start with the marginalised and educationally backward areas, giving them very short deadline periods, while leaving the more advanced areas ample time on their hands to make thorough preparations for presenting their views.  Consider the following in respect of Coast areas:

21 Feb.    Taita Taveta County (Lutheran Hall)
22 Feb.    Taita Taveta County  (Voi Town Hall)
23 Feb.    Kwale County             (Kinango)
24 Feb.    Kwale County             (Kwale County Hall)
25 Feb.    Mombasa County       (Jubilee Hall)
28 Feb.    Kilifi County                (Kaloleni)
1 March   Kilifi County                 (Kilifi County Hall)
2 March   Kilifi County                 (Malindi County Hall)
3 March   Tana River County      (Garsen)
3 March   Tana River County      (Hola)
10 March  Lamu                           (Lamu County Hall)
10 March  Lamu                           (Mpeketoni)

Taita areas have only 3 days notice from 18th Feb. to get their views prepared ! Six of the dates fall in February, and the other six in March through 10th March.

The people in these areas are educationally far behind the advanced regions of the country. How do you expect them first to understand the complex questions the task force is asking them, and then give their views in an informed manner in the space of only 20 days split evenly between February and March ?

These are the issues for which the public views are being sought:
Issue 1: Cooperative Government, Inter-Governmental Relations and Levels of Governance (There are 9 questions asked)
Issue 2: Functions Of And Service Delivery By County Governments (11 questions asked)
Issue 3: Financial Resources And Management In County Governments (10 questions asked)
Issue 4: Political Governance, Leadership, Accountability And Integrity In County Governments (9 questions asked)
Issue 5: Public Participation And Oversight And Protection Of Minorities And Marginalised Groups (7 questions asked).

We understand the Task Force is pushed for time, but this is something they just cannot rush it through without the fullest consultation with the public.

You need to organise Response Groups in every County, particularly the Marginalised Areas, that can be tasked with collating, sifting and assembling the feedback the Task Force needs in regard to the above issues. Please also switch around your dates so that Nairobi and places like Nyeri, Kiambu, Kisumu etc. can take the early dates whilst our backward areas take the last dates. You will not achieve the stated goals by rushing things.

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